Birth Doula Services

Supporting mothers on the path to a healthy, empowered and harmonious pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

Everything you need to mother in harmony is already within you. You already have the innate wisdom and strength to birth and raise your baby. I am here to walk you through this beautiful transformation.

Bodies are capable of incredible things! Giving birth is something us Women have been designed to do, most of the time the normal physiological process unfolds smoothly. 

When complications occur, or when a want or need arises, I’m grateful that we live in a time where we have the option to accept medical interventions that can save lives and solve problems. 

As a Birth Doula, I find joy in supporting people regardless of what their approach and attitudes may be. My goal is to help you feel confident during your birth experience, as well as helping you to feel empowered through any unexpected twists and turns that may arise.

I've seen a pregnancy with a poor diet, lacking vital nutrients and nourishment for both me and baby vs one that was filled with knowledge, joy and nourishment and in that it helped allow me to thrive in my pregnancy and while healing postpartum.

MY Philosophy 

Prenatal Care: 
  • 4 prenatal meetings to discuss your birth preferences and postpartum planning decisions
  • Unlimited phone and text support
  • Help to prepare physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • Guidance for defining your birth preferences, creating your birth plan, newborn care and postpartum planning
  • On-call availability
  • Community resources, materials, and reading suggestions

Birth Support: 
  • Early labor guidance and tips to help labor progress
  • Coaching and guidance for a relaxed and calm birth
  • Education for location of birth
  • Support for partners involved in birth
  • Hands-on, non-medical comfort techniques
  • Support while navigate hospital protocols and staff
  • Education and support for informed decision-making
  • Communicating your wishes to your care team

Post Birth Care:
  • Help with initial recovery and feeding
  • 2 postpartum meetings to check in for any questions and guidance

What’s included:

Birth Doula Service

39% Decrease


in the risk of unplanned Caesarean delivery

10% Decrease

in the request for pain relief medication

15% Increase

In the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth

Shorter Labours

By an average of 41 minutes

38% Decrease

In baby's risk of low 5-minute Apgar score

31% Decrease

In the risk of parents being dissatisfied with the birth experience



Being a first time mom, I had absolutely no idea what to expect during pregnancy and especially labor. Usually my nose is buried in a book learning everything I possibly can about what I’m doing. However, that was NOT the case with pregnancy. I didn’t want to know all the things that could go wrong because I’d be so in my head. Breanna was so understanding about it! Anything I DID want to know she’d answer for me and give me options. For example, for the gestational diabetes test, I was unaware you could ask for a different drink other than the sugar filled one they give for testing. Breanna also helped me figure out questions to ask at my appointments - at what point would you deny me an epidural? what if I don’t want an epidural? At what point, if any, would I need a c-section? Can I change laboring positions to avoid c-section? 

I was unexpectedly induced at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension, I was worried but called Bre and she helped calm me down and go through what I needed before getting to the hospital. My husband and I would reach out to her if/when we needed. She gave us the opportunity to have space, given it’s our experience, or be there with us. When she was with us she and my husband took care of everything, answering any questions they already knew my answer to or what I would want so I could relax and focus on me and my baby. I held off on an epidural for as long as possible, getting help walking the halls and having other pain relieving options. Then, when it came time to push she was like my own cheerleader! I needed that hype woman!! Afterwards, when my son was on my chest and my husband and I were soaking it in, she was answering questions for the doctor and nurses. Taking care of keeping my placenta, because I was getting it encapsulated. I will ABSOLUTELY have her every time. She is truly there to be your advocate, hype woman, sister, mother, or literally whatever you want her to be! She makes YOUR birth experience about YOU and your spouse! We love her

— Angelina Wise

Interested but still have a few questions?


What is a doula? Do I really need one?


A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible. Countless scientific trials examining doula care demonstrate remarkably improved physical and psychological outcomes for both pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people and their baby. Doulas have a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family. You don't necessarily need a doula, but most people want one!

Can't my partner or best friend be my doula?


If your partner will be with you during labor, they are already fulfilling a very important role. They are the person in the room who knows you, and your preferences, best. They are bringing an amazing tool to your labor - their love and support. But they are not your doula. A doula is an impartial third party that can support both of you during your labor. Most partners will experience a range of emotions during labor, from joy and excitement to fear and nervousness.

Many will forget all of the helpful tips or tricks they learned in birth class when the pressure is on. It is very difficult for someone to fully support you when they are managing their own intense emotions in a birth setting! A doula can help you both navigate your emotions and any guide you through any unexpected changes to your birth plan, allowing your partner to be fully present with you *as your partner* instead of as your birth attendant.

Your partner is the expert in you. A doula is the expert in birth. Together, we can create an amazing platform of support to make sure you've got an incredible support team around you as you prepare to meet your baby.

What does a doula do - and not do?


Doulas nurture and support the birthing person throughout labor and birth. Their essential role is to provide continuous labor support, no matter what decisions the client makes or how they give birth. Importantly, the doula’s role and agenda are tied solely to the birthing person’s agenda. This is also known as primacy of interest. In other words, a doula’s primary responsibility is to the birthing person—not to a hospital administrator, nurse, midwife, or doctor. A doula will focus on providing you with physical, emotional, and informational support throughout your labor. This may look like a labor massage or assisting with water therapy; providing you with reassurance, encouragement, and emotional support; or providing evidence-based information or guidance for decision-making during your birth. Your doula will also help you advocate for your needs and preferences, ensuring that your voice is heard and respected at all times.

A doula is *not* a medical care provider. We do not offer medical advice or provide clinical treatments, make decisions for you, or pressure you to make a particular choice for your care. Doulas do not take over the role of your partner, nor do we perform clinical tasks like monitoring your blood pressure, checking your baby's heart rate, or catching your baby.

What if I choose to have an epidural, or am undecided?


Doulas support ALL births. Doulas do not have any agenda and offer non-judgmental support. A doula's job is to help you make choices that are right for you - what those choices end up being are not important, so long as they are yours. Doulas are trained to support all kinds of births - at home, in the hospital, with midwives or doctors, medication free or with pain medication, vaginal or caesarean.