EUNOIA Wellness


rebalance women, through a mind, body, and spirit approach.

Achieving balance has never been more important. It is vital that we are healthy not only with what we consume, but also how we manage our career, relationships, and spirituality.

At Eunoia Wellness we aim to rebalance our being through a mind, body, and spirit approach. Everything is connected, and we wish to show you that the power to heal, elevate, and transform is already within you.

Everything you need to mother in harmony is already within you. You have the innate wisdom and strength to birth and raise your baby. I am here to walk you through this beautiful transformation.


To create an ongoing relationship with my clients to support their goals, no matter what level. Step one is to assess my client’s overall well-being in order to provide the best possible recommendations and modifications for a sustainable approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Integrative Health Coaching & Nutrition

finding balance through

Nurturing and supporting the birthing experience from conceiving to post pregnancy. To provide continuous labor support, no matter what decisions the client makes or how they give birth. Importantly, the doula’s role and agenda are tied solely to the birthing person’s agenda. 

Empowered and Harmonious Pregnancy


I'm Bre - My love for women and their immense capabilities as human beings, my love for birth and to remind you how strong you are and that you CAN do this, for you to feel empowered by any decisions you make during your birth...

beautiful next chapter of life.

I am the calm & reassuring voice in
your corner for this

from the founder

Sharing my monthly recommendations to better your experience from birth to daily life. 

Playlists, Podcasts, Recipes, and More


-Laura Wilson

When I saw Bre's post about her program I knew that it was a sign to take the step and ask for help. I struggled with how I looked and how I felt. When I reached out to join the program, Bre was in contact with me so fast and I knew I made the right choice. Throughout my journey, if t had any questions about any of the foods she was always a text away and wanted to help me. It shocked me how fast my results were showing and how much better I jelt. I noticed I wasn't craving junk food and she helped me want to get better for myself. During my program I lost weight I never thought I could but most importantly I started to love myself again. I learned how to eat right and Bre helped me do that along with many other things. During this program, I learned so many things about the food I put into my body and how it can affect my overall health. I gained a coach who truly cared about me but I also gained a friend whom I knew I could go to for anything during my journey! If I ever had the chance to rejoin her program I would do it in a heartbeat.

client love

I have always been a person who wanted to be healthy but never knew where to begin. After countless "diet" programs and supplements, I found Bre. I had been following her on Instagram for a litle bit before she started her coaching programs. I was so excited but super nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect. Working with Bre gave me a new outlook on nutrition and just my body and health in general. It was never about my weight but more about how I was feeling, and I loved that. She really takes time to get to know her clients and really does want what is best for them. I highly recommend working with Bre for whatever nutrition- and health-based goats you have

— Courtney Brady 

client love

Being a first-time mom, I had absolutely no idea what to expect during pregnancy and especially labor. Usually my nose is buried in a book, learning everything I possibly can about what I’m doing. However, that is not the case with pregnancy. I didn’t want to know all the things that could go wrong because I’d be so in my head. Breanna was so understanding about it! Anything I DID want to know she’d answer for me and give me options. For example, for the gestational diabetes test, I was unaware you could ask for a different drink other than the sugar filled one they give for testing. Breanna also helped me figure out questions to ask at my appointments—at what point would you deny me an epidural? What if I don’t want an epidural? At what point, if any, would I need a c-section? Can I change laboring positions to avoid a c-section?
I was unexpectedly induced at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension. I was worried but called Bre and she helped calm me down and go through what I needed before getting to the hospital. My husband and I would reach out to her if and when we needed. She gave us the opportunity to have space, given it’s our experience, or be there with us. When she was with us she and my husband took care of everything, answering any questions they already knew my answer to or what I would want so I could relax and focus on me and my baby. I held off on an epidural for as long as possible, getting help walking the halls and having other pain-relieving options. Then, when it came time to push, she was like my own cheerleader! I needed that hype woman!! Afterwards, when my son was on my chest and my husband and I were soaking it in, she was answering questions for the doctor and nurses. Taking care of keeping my placenta because I was getting it encapsulated. I will ABSOLUTELY have her every time. She is truly there to be your advocate, hype woman, sister, mother, or literally whatever you want her to be! She makes YOUR birth experience about YOU and your spouse! We love her

— Angelina Wise 

client love

Bre and I started our journey to a better lifestyle around two years ago. I say she started it with me because of the dedication and guidance she has for people. She was there with any questions, and to help me along the way, she is my biggest fan as well! The support and guide to healthy eating have changed my life forever. Bre is truly the most selfless, caring coach and friend. I started off bloated and unhealthy at my heaviest at the end of my senior year of college. I knew I wanted to make a change for the better. Bre customized everything to fit my body type and what would benefit me the most. With the best meal plans, I didn't even feel like I was on a "diet," but more like making a daily change for myself. Today, I'm at my lightest with a positive attitude toward staying fit and healthy and feeling as though it's a chore to keep up with. Without Bre, I wouldn't have been educated on healthy eating and making a change for myself. The confidence I have after her program is unreal. I truly feel as though she has changed my life for the best; even 2 years later, we catch up and talk as friends and as mentors. She's always there to answer any questions I still have and be a guide in my life. I couldn't thank her enough for all the positive changes she's made to my lifestyle!

— Courtney Spears

client love

Bre came into my life at a time when I was very angry with myself. I had "let myself go" as many of us say. I needed a change. Not so much a giant weight-loss change as a lifestyle change. I remember noticing her Instagram stories about health and wellness and thinking, Hey, let's see what this is about; someone with that much spunky is sure to be able to help me out!!'And boy did she ever! Through her guidance, passion, and pure love, she got me on the track to better HEALTH. I emphasize that because I'm not some "I lost 60 pounds and kept it off? " story. But I am a story of better choices. Better food choices, better life choices, better self love choices. My mindser, because of Breanna is something I never thought is could actually like about myself. I see her every day, not in person, but on social media and she never lets me down. Even when I'm having a pity party for one tol, her spirit lifts me up. The thing I love the most is she is not just a friend, she is family. I will forever be grateful for her and the journey she led me on, guided me through, and hopefully will always be a part of?

— Jodi Vandenbroek

client love

Where do I start when it comes to Bre?! She has led me in directions I never thought possible; healthy eating and exercise being one, but also having a positive mindset and reaching for my own goals. She is a positive influence on me for many reasons. I value her thoughts, her energy, and her coaching. Bre supports you with everything and pushes you to your own ability. On top of being a positive influence in my life mentally, she also coached me in one of my major weight-loss programs. I got so much out of her coaching: healthy eating habits, exercise programs, and a better outlook on life!!! She gives great coaching to become a
better you and 10/10 recommend ANYTHING she has to offer

— Kalene Crabtree

client love

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